BROTHERHOOD BREAKFAST (February 8 @ 8:00 AM) Men, please join us for breakfast, a time of prayer and encouragement from the Word of God. Please bring grandpas, dads, sons, grandsons, great-grandsons etc. Also, we will have a short workday for everyone who can stay after breakfast.  Register by CLICKING HERE

LADIES FELLOWSHIP (February 8 @ 6:00 PM) Ladies, please join us for fellowship in the Word of God, a delicious dinner, and a bouquet-making class for Valentine's Day! Please register today by CLICKING HERE

  • Senior Adults - 10:00 AM in Fellowship Hall 
  • Young Adults  -  6:30 PM in Fellowship Hall 

Wednesdays: Prayer Meeting and Bible Study - 6:30 PM
  • Everyone will meet in the sanctuary for prayer. Youth and Kids will have class after prayer time!

NH GUESTS - Thank you for joining us for worship this morning! Please CLICK HERE to fill out our Guest Connect Card so we can personally thank you for joining us today! If you need any help, please visit the Welcome Table near the front entrance of the sanctuary and one of our greeters will gladly help you.

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